The OAWA is monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak as it affects the Ontario Wrestling Community.
The recent extended closure of Ontario schools is expected will have an impact on many wrestling clubs, including use of facilities. Clubs are advised to contact their facility provider.
Wrestling Canada Lutte (WCL) has released a statement on COVID-19. Read it HERE WCL has at present made no change to upcoming Pan Am or National events.
We anticipate the situation may evolve in the days/weeks to come and will re-assess the status of National Championships and the April Ontario Youth Festival on an ongoing basis.
For now, for those clubs who may still be able to hold club training, we advise they follow the Government of Canada’s guidance on the COVID-19 virus for mass gatherings. See the Government position on this HERE
We encourage all OAWA members to follow the guidance of recognized government and medical experts as it relates to COVID-19.
We will make every effort to bring you new information as it relates to Ontario Wrestling when and if it becomes available.
Thank you.